Even a bleeding heart has their limits

Kinja'd!!! "Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle" (1500sand535)
08/29/2016 at 17:21 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!3 Kinja'd!!! 10

I work in a job where lots of people are mixed up in the legal system. I just had a woman at my desk who was convinced her child was being taken from her on false allegations and misdeeds by DHS.

She hasn’t filled out any of the court forms because she doesn’t agree with the initial beginning of the case.

She hasn’t filed the application for her free, court appointed attorney because an attorney “will focus on legal arguments and not what’s really going on”.

She refused to read any information about the process, because the system is corrupt or something.

I’m as guilty as the next person about sometimes saying, “why did this happen to me?” But I like to think sooner rather than later, I suck it up and do whatever needs to be done. If you get served a shit sandwich today, I hope you will ask yourself, “how can I make a better sandwich?” Not, “who is going to give me a better sandwich”? I am a bit of bleeding heart But I hit my limit just now.

And for your time, my beetle, 356, 964, 997? - GIF. All that we need now is the rear/mid engined beetle that I’m sure VW is working on since I keep saying it to be the last picture and things will come full circle.



Kinja'd!!! CB > Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle
08/29/2016 at 17:33


I feel that. Worked in the criminal justice system during a placement semester, it was kind of like “well, it sucks that you’re getting breached for failing to comply with the terms of your probation, but we gave you everything we could to help you successfully complete it”.

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle
08/29/2016 at 17:41


My wife spent 5 years with Social Security disability hearing every sob story there was. Then when it was time for the person to go to their free, taxpayer-funded doctor visit to confirm their disability (back pain, neck pain, carpal tunnel, you name it), about 30% never showed up to either their first OR their second appointment. Then they would call back, angry about why they got denied. FWIW, I live in one of those "Top 5 states for disability fraud" so people actually move here to milk the system.

Kinja'd!!! Batman the Horse > Ash78, voting early and often
08/29/2016 at 17:50


Lol yes people uproot their fantastic lives devoid of mental illness and emotional problems just to live on easy street defrauding the government for a disability check. I’m thinking about going into that business since it’s so awesome and something people do on purpose totally I heard it on bozzfeed.com.

Kinja'd!!! LongbowMkII > Batman the Horse
08/29/2016 at 18:27


Dude, you know what you can buy with $490 a month?!?

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle
08/29/2016 at 18:39


Sounds like she might be one of those nutters—I forget the name—that think they don't have to pay taxes and can't be arrested because they've declared independence and the government doesn't have jurisdiction.

Kinja'd!!! PS9 > Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle
08/29/2016 at 18:42


“will focus on legal arguments and not what’s really going on”

What? The legal arguments ARE what’s going on! You sure this lady isn’t Trumps distant relative?

Kinja'd!!! Svend > Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle
08/29/2016 at 19:19


I used to work for the Benefits Agency here in the U.K. Shortly after I left school. The amount of times we got people in that wanted us to help with trivial stuff that they could do but couldn’t be arsed to do themselves because they thought it was our job. We also had a think called ‘Crisis Loans’ and they’d come in wanting a crisis loan for stuff like a new cooker because their old one was dirty, we gave them a few pounds on top of their benefits and told them to clean the cooker.

We had a joke cabinet at one point for some of the silliest things you’ve ever heard, to cheer us up on crappy days.

Kinja'd!!! Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle > Honeybunchesofgoats
08/29/2016 at 19:30


Oh no, I get lots of sovereign citizens here. She wasn't one of those.

Kinja'd!!! Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle > PS9
08/29/2016 at 19:32


Exactly! I tried in my most helpful voice to explain to her that legal cases are decided in very specific ways using very specific standards and rules, and that if she wants to represent herself, she should familiarize herself with those standards and rules. To no avail!

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > Neil drives a beetle and a fancy beetle
08/29/2016 at 19:41


Thank you! That was driving me crazy. I knew it was something like “free citizen.”